
About Insight vs Instinct ~ As it's become increasingly important & difficult to find the right health & mental health professionals that can help... we're here to help find them!

The focus being on holistic, integrative, health and allied health professionals in cooperation with therapeutic and natural health alternatives. We believe it should be your choice in how you heal, and are helping you find the independent professionals that are Brilliant at what they do, take care of themselves and are adaptive to 'the new normal'.

Lets be honest, the world has changed ...

Social Distancing, Local and National lock-downs, travel restrictions, health checks at each border and every turn.

There has been more than average change in a VERY short time-frame ... enough change that many aren't planning very far ahead any more, preparations have been made for future lockdowns, and we're more uncertain of the future than ever before.

It's time to do things differently, Health and Mental Health is one of the most important self-care and also the most impactful things in life.

The aim is to ensure practitioners have the flexibility and autonomy to work how, where & when they choose ... and take care of their own health & mental health, so in having a healthier work/life balance ... they can better help you take care of yours.

Health Passport_2021

for Clients ...

A directory site that makes it easier to find the help you need, either near you or accessible online.

Chat to experienced triage staff if you have questions,

bookings and intake forms online

& access your chosen practitioner near you or anywhere with your internet or phone.

for Practitioners ...

Independent Practitioners can become isolated and overwhelmed by the client management and professional requirements they need to process for each client.

Our Virtual Practice model makes it easier for clients to find you where ever you choose to practice

Insight vs Instinct is about ...

Insight is the science ... the environmental impacts (nurture), the conscious mind, the learned, the various frameworks we create to make sense of the world, a different perspective to give our instincts meaning.

Instinct is about our intuitive nature, the sub-conscious physical and mental drives, and instinctive behaviours we all have which make our lives easier in many ways. Although, sometimes our instincts can be maladaptive, with unwanted results.

However, with maturation, we integrate the learned insights with our instinctive sub-conscious drives, habits and behaviours.

Consciousness or mindfulness is about behaving with intention, rather than allowing ourselves to operate on autopilot or without awareness.

Many of us have traveled home from work or school at some stage without memory of the journey ... because our sub-conscious mind took over while we were mentally elsewhere. Another example could be doing routine or repetitive tasks while in a trance state (much like hypnosis), like doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, or exercising.

The philosophy is about creating greater self-awareness, a better understanding of ourselves and others, as both Insight & Instinct are equally valuable, although in different ways.