What is Rapid Transformation Therapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a powerful method that combines Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, NLP & Hypnotherapy to help you rapidly transform or change your life.

RTT is powerful evidence-based method developed by Marisa Peer, a psychologist and hypnotherapist for over 30 years in the UK. Which she's used to help some of the most well known rich and famous celebrities in the UK, Europe & USA.

There are clear theme's learned in childhood, that lead us to create to core beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, which drive behaviour in adulthood to ensure we get our needs met. This type of therapy gets to the root cause quite quickly and assists the client to understand the subconscious beliefs, and turn them into conscious connections and heal themselves.

Your RTT therapist will start by asking you what it is you want ... meaning how would your life look, feel, smell, sound, taste .. when you're free of the problematic issue.

What Rapid Transformation Therapy help with

Self-Confidence in Dating & relationships
Relationship/Marriage Issues
Career & business
Overcoming Burnout
Self-worth & Empowerment
Resilience and Emotional Mastery
Health Issues
Eating Issues
Weight Issues

Self-Confidence in Dating & relationships
Relationship/Marriage Issues
Career & business
Overcoming Burnout
Self-worth & Empowerment
Resilience and Emotional Mastery
Health Issues
Eating Issues
Weight Issues

What Rapid Transformation Therapy is not ...

RTT is NOT like traditional therapy or purely CBT based therapies, where you come back each week or even each month, sometimes indefinitely, to talk about how you're feeling this week/month, or discuss traumatic or upsetting events over & over again.

RTT is not based on asking "what's wrong" or diagnosing you with any 'disorder' or telling you how you're 'traumatised' or 'not normal' ... RTT is not coaching and coaching is not therapy - these are quite different approaches ... We will delve into the different types of mental health help available and how the various methods or approaches work, you can then choose for yourself what your feel is right for you!

There is no magic bullet or right way to guide all people to where they want to be. Essentially all psychologists, therapists, practitioners are guides to self healing, it's finding the right guidance for you that matters.

Author: ReneeChanelle

Founder & Facilitator

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